Quality Times! Friends Edition

By Dyni Mela Zingiberni - 6:09 PM

Hello, guys! This is my second post in 2016 and I am so excited about this! I actually want to make a review post about the latest cosmetic products I've purchased however I still am in progress on taking the pictures. Haha, you know what, I'm not the best at taking picture so bear with me. This post will be another rambling of me about what I love doing in order to kill my boredom at weekend or just when I feel like I'm going out. I was not a girl who love to go out back then in the college years but now after I graduated and moved in Jakarta and got a job, I feel like I'm turning to a different person. But I like the new me because I get to have fun and release my stress by doing things I rarely did before!

Working in a big city like Jakarta has its perks, of course, a lot. However, it's not only all about the good side, sometimes I get tired at weekend and I think just sitting in my room or lying on my bed won't do me any good. I want myself to get happy and excited to face Monday, the devil of the week and want to have amazing weekdays. After all, sitting at my desk and doing my job is fun and challenging to me, but still I need refreshing and that, my friend, means going out to malls with friends! Yay! Oh, my friends, my girls, how I miss them! Yes, I have new friends from my office but you cannot beat those who has spent more time with you since College and even since High School! So yeah, quality time with my college and high school friend mission is created!

With Ranty, kw super of Syahrini :3

Viranty Pradani, the quirkiest friend I've ever had in my life. Ignore my tired face. I was having a hard day T_T
Okay, so we hang out after I'm done with my work. I work until 6 p.m but usually go home after I take sholat Maghrib so we made a promise to meet in Cilandak Town Square, Citos at 7 pm. We took Gojek as transportation and since Ranty's usually out from her office at 5 p.m, she went to her flat first before going to Citos. We met around 8 pm and after 'cipika-cipiki', she told me that she didn't notice me because I look so skinny compared to the last time she saw me lol. Heading straight to Pepper Lunch, because we're hungry, I realized that I'm still wearing stiletto T_T so I know right away that I'm going to have painful night after I get home later. 

Ranty suggested this place for me and we ordered the same menu, haha! I forget the name but this is what we ate that night:
Forget the complete name of the dish, but it has Hamburg, Cheesy Omelet-something in it 
I don't usually eat after 6 p.m actually but my stomach can deal with it if it's for friends and having fun, so I clearly had no problem ordering these two big pieces of Hamburg, a pile of white steam rice, cheesy omelet on a hot plate. Lol. It has two different sauces, I chose the curry sauce because I want a different one as I always order something with black pepper sauce before. The hamburg was good, not amazing but it's good, I like the omelet even though I want it a little less-cooked, the rice was nice and the sauce was really good! I liked the sauce. I'll rate this dish 3,5/5. And, oh... for drink I ordered lemon tea. It tasted fine.

Sandwich I made. It tasted great!
Lol, maybe because I made it.
After dinner, we walked around just sight-seeing and I also went to shopping at the Food Market because I want to buy fruits. I purchased blueberries, bananas, some bread, yogurt, and raspberry jam. I made a sandwich in the next morning from the bread, plain yogurt, and fresh blueberries. We rested at Tous Les Jours in the end before we went home. There was a drama of a teen couple fighting over something I'm not cleared about, amusing but a little bothering as well lol, kids this day. 

With Tika, my bff since Hugh School till now! And she's so far away now T_T 
In a Taiwan dessert cafe, we ordered their ice shaved dessert. No pic tho T_T
Meeting with Tika is such a bittersweet moment; she studied in Jakarta but after graduated she has to work in Sumatra and that's like some sort of farewell with her but we still had fun! It's actually the next day after I hang out with Ranty and this time it's in Kota Kasablanka. We met there at 11 p.m.

Don't have proper pic of the food but damn, they tasted so good!
The taste of that package menu is so good. let me explain again that it's quite cheap for a cafe/resto with good quality. I got a bed of rice, two pieces of wings with two optional sauces, fish finger or shrimp finger or sort of, salad, and a refilled tea! Yay~ I ordered additional kimchi soup and it tasted good! I'm so picky with food, and I don't really enjoy eating kimchi soup but their kimchi soup is so delishhh!

After eating, we continued walking around the mall, sight seeing and making fun of the price tags haha like "Tika, I'd rather spend my 1.000K of money on something else to this million worth shoes that will get stepped on anyway", or "Wow, Ka! It's said 2 million IDR! You wanna buy???" laughing, I joked with her. Well, I love shopping but I'm not a billionaire so I don't think I can afford goods with that amount of money that can make me survive a month in Jakarta.

We went to that Taiwan dessert cafe afternoon, after I did my cosmetics haul. LOL. I am so blinded that day, I purchased many products but I am using them right now so no money wasted for unnecessary things. Besides, I only use drug store price cosmetics. One day, I'm going to make 'beauty on a budget' kind of post, it's going to be my recommendation of affordable products and a little tip and trick to find a good place to buy them. Okay, back to the Taiwan dessert... if any of you want to have ice shaved dessert with ice cream and you're in Kokas, do not choose a cafe in front of Guardian. I don't know if they can move to somewhere else but just to tell you guys, their ice shaved (especially the chocolate and green tea ones) is not good T_T. We're kind of disappointed but finished it anyway lol. wasting is not good, kay? 

Plan A was, we go home before 7 pm but it was raining so hard that night so we waited inside. We don't want to get soaked later and got a bad flu (we went home with Gojek, I know that we could take Taxi but it's too pricy and the traffic jam would make the price go higher and higher). So in the very end, we went home around 8 and felt so happy but bittersweet after that moment. Now, Tika is already in Kepulauan Riau where she works and I wish the best of her always!

With Dije, ketua genk rumpi Stat XD

Yes, Yes, I know... I wore the same shirt but I washed it, I swear. Haha.
Okay, so this is the latest one! It's from last Saturday, 2nd April 2016! And we went to PIM, baby~ Haha. Gue sekarang anak gaul JakSel dong udah ke PIM, lol. Dije is my friend of college year and we've been friends since the beginning (even started from Mabim, ospek time) and she is like a really cool melancholics kind of girl, haha, idek what I'm talking about but trust me she's cool and not that boyish but she has this romantic idea of love and been crushing to this certain 'sunbae' of us and remains unspoken until now! Wow, seriously, Je! Have some balls and confess already, lol, kidding, Je. We love you. 

I asked her first to go to PIM just to hang out and she suggested PIM because it has Gramedia, lol. So lame, right? But I agreed because I love Gramedia. It has everything I need, I love books and stationary so why would I say no? Later I know that PIM is actually one of the most hits mall in Jakarta so I'm happy I went there! 

As always, lunch first!

We didn't know where to eat so we just had our lunch at Red Bean and I didn't take any photos of the food. I remember what I ordered, though... it's broccoli with shrimp, a bowl of rice, and a lime squash. I was so hungry and when I'm hungry everything taste good so I cannot describe how I feel, everything just tasted good at that time haha.

I bought some cosmetics at Guardian too and I bought lots of comics, magazines and Kpop mags for my sist! In the food market. We shopped for fruits, I chose Strawberries, raspberries and guava.
Berries that I love too much

So that's it, guys!

I'm not posting this to show you how cool and 'gaul' I am hanging out in malls, but I'm posting this just to share how goo it is to spend your time by doing things you love. If that makes you happy then why not? 

Your friend!

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  1. apa mungkin pembaca elo cuma gue? ahaha, tp keep writing ya sist!

    1. Probably haha ntar didt bikin revuee biar banyak yg baca wkwk
