Intermezzo; welcome 2021

By Dyni - 12:44 PM


Time flies so fast, I remember I was starting over this blog in 2016 and it's been five years now. I remember I was doing this because the love I have for writing, so used to write fiction since I was in the seventh grade; my dad bought our first computer that time. I was so happy. I did find writing is something I want to do in life despite how uncertain it was for your career, little me didn't understand that back then; what I know, I love to write and want to be an author when I grow up.

However fate doesn't always agree on whatever you have in your mind; thus we call it a dream, something that often hard to realize because it's just so unreal. I am now working with my regular job for a startup company, a very big one, a lot of people want to start their career here as it's so fresh-graduates friendly. I realize that it's okay, even though I am not an author like what I've always wanted to do since I was young, I still get to write as my hobby, here in my blog.

Last year has taught me a lot of things, plenty of times to take care of yourself and truly understand what you want in life, I've always thought I knew what I wanted, but sometimes I don't, being the logical person I am, I often discard the tiny voice I have from the bottom of my heart then follow what's inside my head. 

Sometimes, you just need to follow your heart.

Have a little peace with yourself.

2020 taught me a lot about self-love.

About how important it is to have people who stick around whether it's on your high or your low.

Or simply treat yourself like it's supposed to be; rather than keep beating up your own body as if it's a horse and you're the one who ride it. 

Find your peace in the middle of busy adult things you're doing.

Get your smile big even just for a silly joke.

Never giving up. 

You just have to stick to your goal, but it's okay if you want to have a little fun in the middle, just... don't have too much. 

Welcome 2021!

This is my intermezzo.

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